Professional Career Coach Training and Certification
Training and Certification
Work 1:1 along with a PCC Certified Coach through the program
Already familiar with PCC and ready to see if it’s right for you?
Turn the Career Conversations You’re Already Having into a Meaningful & Flexible Career (or Business)
What if you were given a set of frameworks, proven by thousands of people already, to take the same types of conversations you’re already having—those energizing moments where you get to help others change their lives and careers—and use those frameworks to:
Get the tools, confidence, and credibility to help more people
We’ve created the world’s first and ONLY Career Coaching training and certification that guarantees you will leave with your FIRST client. We give you everything you need to go forth and continue finding the types of people you want to work with so you can make an even greater impact.
Be your client’s career transformation hero, no matter what situation they’re in
We can show you how to help a wide variety of people, no matter what stage of their career they’re in, and become more efficient and effective as a coach. Plus, instead of putting all the pressure on yourself to give them the right answers, we’ll show you how to help your clients uncover the answers they already have hidden inside them.
Craft a lifestyle that perhaps you’ve only dreamed of… until now
Imagine being able to call your own shots and unlock new levels of freedom, all while doing the type of work you love. I personally work from a quiet local coffee shop 4 times a week and take my family to another country for a month each year. What does freedom look like for you? We want to help make that your new reality!
The reality is, without learning what modern coaching methods actually work and without a streamlined approach for consistently delivering results to your clients and/or get NEW clients…there’s a whole lot of trial and error to work through.
But doing so can be more straightforward and happen a lot faster than you may think! Here’s what happened for other people that found us and decided to put our Professional Career Coaching training and certification into practice:

From Zero Clients to an Entirely New Level of Income and Freedom
We helped Olivia get her very first clients, and then even more over the six months we worked with her!

“It’s a little bit magical…”
Karen Senger, reflecting on her overall experience:
“The training really gives you the skills and the tools and the actual practicing. It puts it all together and makes it happen and you start to really see how you can blend all of these different things together to help people to achieve their goals. And it’s, it’s kind of a little bit magical. The way it works, it’s definitely an art and a science.”
The #1 Thing Missing From Today’s Coaching Training And Certifications
Whether you’re an aspiring career coach or already a career coach wanting to grow a successful business, there’s one problem I see often that a lot of people we end up working with were previously frustrated by as well.
Maybe you’ve experienced it, too:
You go full Alice In Wonderland and slip deep down the rabbit hole of information on all things career coaching.
You want to find out what it takes to go from just giving out advice pro bono—as great as it feels to do so—to having clients who happily pay you for your expertise.
However, something weird keeps happening as you click through each of your search results:
Most of the sites look like they were made in the late 90’s. What gives?
Yet you don’t let this stop you and you keep searching because you just can’t shake the thrill, the joy, the reward of helping others see the best in themselves…only to discover one other glaring issue:
Those trainings and certifications leave you hanging, looking over the edge of a cliff.
You get to learn about being a coach but then what?
What about the business side? What about building a coaching practice? What about marketing and attracting the clients that you’re most excited to work with.
Also why do most certifications not have anything to do with Career Coaching?
An even more interesting question to ask…
What Do The Most Successful Coaches Have In Common?
Hint: It has nothing to do with being all over social media, going back to school, or taking the full-time leap of faith!
All that stuff? Not necessary. In fact, a lot of that can backfire if you go about it the wrong way!
So the question that everyone asks us still remains:
“How do you make sure I’m successful as a career coach? Or at building a business as a career coach, if I choose to?”
As a starting point, it’s important to remember the people who are most successful at becoming better coaches and business owners are those who ask themselves how they can help others first.
How I Unexpectedly Got My First Career Coaching Client Ever
Focusing on others first is exactly how I got my very first paid career coaching client.
It happened through an unpaid local speaking engagement. I spoke for 15 minutes about careers, then a week later met with my very first client and collected $600.
I didn’t know that I was going to get a client. I gave first, regardless of the outcome.
You likely already focus on helping others pro bono, expecting nothing in return.
Now, we can give you all the resources and frameworks you could ever need to take those same kinds of conversations you’re already having and have people eager to come to you and invest in your expertise and the value you provide them.
Anyway, once you’ve got who you’re going to help (and how) in mind, successful coaches will tell you it’s then a matter of:
Learning from other people that have already been there. Get help so that you can figure out what small but consistent habits and tasks make up the top 5% of what you should be focused on to reach your next milestone in as little time, and with as little frustration as possible.
Even if you don’t want our help, I urge you to get help from people that have done this before. You don’t want to spend 10 years creating, developing and refining a process that gives you the confidence to coach clients through every step they need to make sure they come out the other side with a career that makes them happy!
Taking the time to set yourself up for success for the long run. We have all of our coaches create what we call a “Plan for inevitable success” identifying what they will do in advance when things go wrong (and how they will celebrate when they go right). Who will you call to support you? Who will tell you to get back on the horse? Who will take you to dinner when you get your first client?
Creating an unshakeable foundation. For some people, creating a solid foundation might mean changing jobs to something more flexible or higher paying as you’re pursuing a career coaching business.
For others, this might be having some very open and honest conversations with their partner to communicate you’d love their help and support as you figure out exactly what the journey looks like.
Spending the time and effort to get a few things right like a job that helps you get where you want to go or solidifying support from your family can make everything else possible.
The 3 Biggest Roadblocks You’ll Encounter Along the Way
Obviously any journey toward greatness can’t ALL be rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies…
Anytime we push ourselves, we’re bound to hit some roadblocks that test and teach us. That’s why even the world’s most elite high-achievers have coaches.
Frankly, the coaches they have probably even have their OWN coaches too, right?
The reason why is simple:
No matter how many coaching moments you’ve successfully navigated over the years—whether those were casual conversations or paid for by someone…
No matter what you’ve managed to achieve in the past…
…there are several different types of roadblocks that can show up to throw you off your game and ruin what could—and probably would—have been an otherwise meaningful and rewarding journey.
And in those moments, it’s critical to have someone (or an entire cohort!) in your corner to help you practice, stay motivated, and hold you accountable.
Anyway, you’ve probably encountered one or more of these roadblocks over the years:
Coaching Roadblock #1 – Standing Out
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed or doubt yourself when it comes to figuring out how you’re going to ever know WHO you want to notice what you have to offer and HOW you’re going to stand out enough to attract them.
Nobody wants to just blend in with every other coach, right?
If you encounter this roadblock and begin to struggle with standing out, you may lead yourself to believe the same outdated or outright wrong myths so many coaches fall victim to—sometimes before they ever give themselves a chance to start:
- Thinking you can only stand out if you’re on social media (wrong)…
- Wondering how on earth you can thrive amongst other, more “established” coaches…
- Believing you have to limit yourself to one niche, one offer…
Once you break through this roadblock, you’ll see for yourself just how easy it can be!
Coaching Roadblock #2 – Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is quite common, even among high achievers. It turns you into a master of self-deception. In other words, imposter syndrome influences your thinking in a way that blinds you from your own greatness and past achievements, and steers you far away from ever taking action toward your goals.
You become your own biggest enemy, allowing yourself to plant little seeds of doubt in your brain that manifest into thoughts like:
- “What if I can’t actually help the people that trusted me to do so?”
- “Is the stuff I’ve been telling people really all that helpful?”
- “Am I actually worth what I just asked for?”
- “Who am I to think I have any kind of real credibility to charge for this?”
- We help you conquer this roadblock, too, so you can feel confident in being able to help your clients regardless of what stage they’re at, and help you realize exactly why you ARE worth what you’re ready to charge for your expertise!
Coaching Roadblock #3 – Time
Allow me to put a BIG, bad myth to rest right here.
When it comes to finding the time to improve your skills as a career coach, finding people to work with, or building a business around doing so if you choose to…you do NOT have to take the full-time leap of faith.
You also don’t have to sacrifice precious time or resources going back to school, in order to become an effective and legitimate career coach.
Our team will show you why it’s not about the TIME you spend coaching.
It’s about the VALUE you can deliver.
Because of this, you can often spend less time coaching each client and still be just as effective.
And that means even if you only want to start part-time, you can.
We will hand you every single process and proven framework we’ve used and relentlessly refined, since 2013, to grow Happen To Your Career to where we are today.
Instead of burning the candle at both ends trying to make progress (or worse: risk giving up entirely), using what we share with you will enable you to:
- Keep your schedule chaos-free.
- Streamline all aspects of your coaching.
- And scale to new levels of impact, income, and freedom on your time…
Best of all, you’ve got a whole lot of people in your corner ready to help you!
What If You Were Surrounded By Your Own Cohort Of Career Coaches Who Are Learning And Leveling Up With You?
Becoming part of a strong cohort of experienced AND aspiring career coaches and business owners alike is without a doubt one of the things the people we work with love most about our coaching programs.
One of our past students, Jennifer Spoelma, gave a perfect example of the same type of feedback we get from a lot of the other people who work with us.
Before coming to us, Jennifer was just about ready to leave her full-time job and jump into running her own business as a career coach.
She had done a lot of her own research and even worked with a handful of clients on a pro bono basis, but to feel fully confident, she wanted the support and resources she knew she was missing.
Some of her thoughts after finishing the Professional Career Coaching training:
“Everything that I needed to walk my clients through…I was able to get through this training.”

“What has been really cool about our mix of people from different backgrounds and experiences is that we all challenge each other or support each other and add value to each other in different ways.”
“Could I have done all of this, everything we learned in track one, on my own? Absolutely. Would it have taken me years? Absolutely.”
– Erin Allett

“What I’ve gotten from the professional career coach training is, first of all a network of other career coaches and business owners. I think that was really valuable for me to be able to learn from people who had successfully been running career coach, career coaching businesses, but also to have a cohort of other students and Business Builders who are in the same stage of starting off with me. I valued those connections and insights a lot. And the other thing that I really gained and found to be really powerful about my experience was the access to resources and processes. So basically everything that I needed in order to walk my clients through, I was able to get through participating in this coach training and not just having the resources but also knowing how you use them and getting into practice.”
– Jennifer Spoelma
The Secret To Going From “Pretty Good” To Confident, World-Class Professional Career Coach
Having a close-knit cohort of people you can group up and practice with allows you to do what my friend Mark would call “getting your touches in”.
Mark is really, REALLY into soccer.
He coaches soccer.
He’s the President of the local soccer league.
He has a side business doing soccer training.
The guy lives and breathes soccer (or “football” for the rest of the world).
But what’s this got to do with you and career coaching?
Well, Mark once shared an insightful theory with me about how to work with kids to help them become remarkably better soccer players—something I’ve never forgotten and applies well here.
He points out that it’s NOT about how long those he coaches are at practice, or whether or not they have more expensive cleats, or even whether or not kids understand the “strategic” level of the game at an early age.
What DOES help them become much better much faster is?
Touching the ball more times.
If most of their soccer experience is spent getting ready to play, and then getting to the field, and then waiting on other people on the team for their turn line to do passing and kicking drills, then they only have 40-80 kicking opportunities in a practice.
Instead, what if practices were arranged so they can kick, pass, or dribble a soccer ball 400 times during that same time?
Or what if they spent less time traveling to practice and used that same time kicking the ball?
Mark says that when he sees the kids who are focused on continually “getting their touches in,” their skill grows more quickly than those that aren’t.
This means that if you can minimize the amount of time these up-and-coming soccer players spending “prepping to learn” and spend more time applying the learning, then they actually learn faster.
This is the difference between “knowing” how something works and actually “being able to confidently perform it.”
Learning how to become a highly effective career coach or learning how to build a successful coaching business work in much the same way.
And it’s why our highly-interactive way of helping you with career coaching works so well for everyone we work with.
We Will Show You Everything We Know About Creating Your Own Meaningful Work and Freedom By Helping Others Change Their Lives And Careers
I’m Scott Anthony Barlow, Founder and CEO of Happen to Your Career. I’ve been training coaches since 2005, and have worked as a coach in many roles since 2003.
I’ve helped thousands of people make successful career changes and hundreds of people start small businesses. I’ve created one of the world’s leading research backed career change methodologies.
And over the years, I’ve also personally worked one-on-one with over 200+ people, helping them achieve goals like:
- Getting their first customers…
- Reaching their first $10,000+ month…
- And catapulting countless coaching businesses to new heights, once we helped them get up and running…
You met some of them at the top of this page already. Here are a few other people we got to work with through our Professional Career Coaching Program:
Joining me on the team are several other equally accomplished coaches who together have several decades worth of experience working with people in a variety of roles and industries.
Everyone from janitors and CEOS to literal rocket scientists, and everything in between.

Our mission has become to change the way the world thinks about and does work.
I want people to be able to use their unique signature strengths when they’re contributing to others.
But while we’re great at helping those we get to work with, we’ve also recognized that Happen To Your Career can’t achieve our mission alone.
Because no matter how many people we earn the opportunity to help here, there will be many more around the world that still need guidance.
And that’s where YOU come in.
I recognized we need to empower more people—people like you who have a passion for helping others achieve their best lives and careers—to provide this help.
That’s exactly why we’ve created a training and certification to help you take what our company has learned over 15 years of working as a coach and helping coaches all over the world start their businesses, coaching practices and freelance work.
A few other things you might find interesting:
- Over 25,000 people have been through our courses and coaching programs, successfully using these resources to empower themselves to stop settling, hone signature strengths, and start making an impact on the world…
- We produce one of the best Career podcasts according to Forbes, LifeHacker, CNBC and over 100 other publications. In fact, we’ve officially reached the milestone of having over 1,000,000 downloads of our podcast episodes!
- Finally, as part of our movement, we’ve developed and refined the world’s first and ONLY Professional Career Coaching training and certification program that also guarantees you will leave with your first paying client!
This Program Is Not For You If:
- If you’re not sure if career coaching is for you and you’re looking for a possible path to help “figure out” your life…
- If you’re allergic to hard work or interacting and collaborating with your coaches and cohort of other career coaching students…
- If you’re just looking for a way to make money instead of truly caring about helping people find meaningful work or helping them improve their lives and careers…
Although the coaching industry continues to experience explosive growth, frankly, there are a lot of broke or ‘wannabe’ coaches just looking for a way to make a quick buck and keep their financial ship from sinking.
If that’s you, or any of the other criteria above applies to you, then I’m sorry but this program is not a good fit.
However, if that’s NOT you, you’ll be happy to know you’re in good company.
Even when I personally decided I wanted to do more with becoming a career coach and help others do the same, I never did so out of desperation or for lack of knowing what to do next with my life.
I was still enjoying a long consecutive string of dream jobs. I simply wanted to do something more meaningful that took advantage of my strengths. And, well, here we are!
Together with our incredible team, I want to show you that it truly is possible for you to do the same, and empower you with every single tool and framework we personally use in our own business.
With that in mind…
This Program IS For You:
- If you want the skills needed to be a successful career coach, as well as the confidence and proven frameworks to go out and make an impact on people’s lives and careers…
- If you value being on the inside of a highly-interactive community of experienced and aspiring career coaches and business owners alike, ready to practice and grow with you…
- If you’re ready to invest the effort it takes to be a successful career coach or business owner, experience more meaningful work, and create a new lifestyle that gives you greater levels of freedom and income…
…then our Professional Career Coaching training and certification program is ABSOLUTELY for you.

“I’ve Become Fascinated With Helping Others In Career and Life…”
“I would recommend the professional career coach training to anyone who wants a deep understanding of how to help people reach success in the ways that matter to them. I’ve become fascinated with helping others find happiness in career and life and PCC showed me how to help others achieve confidence and clarity in their lives.”
– Allison Curbow
So if you’re still with me and you’re ready to get started helping others improve their careers and lives like Allison above did with the same PCC program, here are the two tracks available to you.
You Can Choose From Two Tracks That Give You Targeted Training & Extraordinary Results
For Those Interested Specifically In Developing Skills As A Career Coach:
If you know that career coaching is the path you want to take and want to jump straight into learning all there is to know when it comes to how to be confident and qualified to help your clients with their careers, no matter what stage they’re in then this track is for you!
Module 1: Understanding the Fundamental Coaching Competency Models
- Mastering Happen To Your Career’s Coaching Conversation Model and learn the step-by-step process to ace every interaction
- Learning the Situational Coaching Model and know when and how to seamlessly transition between roles to best serve your client
- Understanding the common Mental Barriers all your clients go through and how to blast past them to breakthroughs
Module 2: Defining Clarity and Expectations For Your Clients
- Getting clarity and distilling down what’s most important
- Learning how to set expectations with your clients before you being working together and throughout the process
- Holding accountability and gaining commitment right from the beginning
Module 3: Uncovering Your Clients Signature Strengths
- Understand how and when to use all the coaching assessment used by Happen To Your Career
- Applying the best methods and questions to specifically help your clients uncover their Signature Strengths and what’s unique about them.
- Using Happen To Your Career’s unique Puzzle Method, master how to translate your client’s Signature Strengths in the real world
- Hone in quickly on what makes someone truly unique and valuable as a person Then help them see how to use these strengths in their career or career pivot.
Module 4: Construct A Compelling Career Vision
- Determining what your clients actually want from their careers while no longer accepting what they no longer accept
- Utilizing Happen To Your Career’s effective Ideal Career Process and how to strategically use to when focusing on the essentials to your client’s careers
- Applying the tools to build a pathway for your clients and get them to where they want to be in their careers
- Help clarify what they want most out of their life (even when they don’t yet know themselves).
Module 5: Designing Career Experiments
- Learning the process to help your client’s design experiments and “test drive” possible careers
- Understand how to help your client step out of their comfort zone and take their Ideal Career and make it a reality
- Attach their inward talents and desires to the outward world (helping them identify where they can give and receive the most value)
Module 6: How to Build Plans that Make the Impossible a Reality
- The HTYC process for creating plans that build momentum for your clients
- Get access to a wealth of resources for Branding, Building Relationships, Interviews, Resumes, and many more that you can use as tools with your clients to help them and make your life easier!
Module 7: Advanced Coaching Techniques (Created exclusively by HTYC)
- Learn how to use less time in coaching, but still be more effective!
- Draw boundaries that help create accountability and endear your clients to you (and cause them to keep coming back to pay for more coaching)
Coaching Toolbox: Get access to ALL of the tools we’ve created to run our own business with multiple coaches and thousands of clients.
- Coaching Conversations Templates:
- Client Agreements: Set the terms of coaching up front so you can be clear. Every time!
- Intake forms: Get everything you need to set your client up for success. Before you even start coaching.
For Those Looking To Take Their Career Coaching Or ANY Coaching Business To The Next Level:
Maybe you’ve also chosen Track 1 or are already experienced elsewhere as a coach.
You want to take everything you know as a coach, everything you’ve been doing, and completely launch or relaunch your coaching business at the highest level, with the greatest chance of success possible.
If this describes you, then Track 2 is another option for you to consider!
Module 1: Define Your Target Market (and get to know them better than they know themselves)
- Getting ultra-specific on who you serve, what is their profile, what are their fears, pains, hopes, and goals that you can impact
- Learn specific Market Research techniques to learn exactly what the people you want to help are thinking and the exact verbiage they use to communicate their problems that you can solve
- Getting clear on who you do not serve so you can better attract people who love your message and are willing to invest in your services
Module 2: Crafting a Compelling Coaching Offer and Package Your Services
- Creating an offer that is based on the ideal client’s big problem so they are eager to pay for the value you deliver
- Learn how to effectively price and package that offer into a system/process solution that is concrete and has a high perceived value so that you can charge for the value instead of your time
- Creating a service offering that has a high perceived value so you can make a decent living without serving tons of clients at once
Module 3: The Art of Closing The Sale
- Learn how to have a conversation with your prospects in a way that continues to build trust and invites them to take the next step with you without high pressure sales tactics that don’t work.
- Get a sales process in place that works so you aren’t left wondering what to say, how to guide the conversation, and ultimately, land more clients.
Module 4: Your First Clients
- Understand where to begin looking for your first clients and how to interact with them using the Low Hanging Fruit method
- Learn to turn discussions and interactions into clients in an organic way.
Module 5: Your Website and Starter Branding
- Communicate with the market you want to reach and cause them to fall in love with you (or at least really really resonate with what you’re saying!)
- Learn the most important parts of your website (and what you don’t actually need to worry about!)
Module 6: Creating Your Client Attraction Magnet and Bring Quality Leads to You
- Creating high value content that is directly in line with the problem you solve and the service you offer.
This content will be crafted in a way to build trust, credibility, authority, and convert cold leads into loyal clients that are willing to pay for your value.
Module 7: Automating Your Marketing System to Leverage Your Limited Time
- Create an automated process that will automatically nurture your new coaching leads and set you up with appointments with those prospects who are highly qualified and willing to invest in themselves.
- Create a process that filters, qualifies, and helps you identify your future clients before you ever talk to them on the phone.
Module 8: Driving Traffic to Your New Coaching Client Marketing Funnel
- Learn several different ways you can start to drive traffic to your marketing funnel so that you can generate more leads.
- Understand how to market yourself online in a way that positions you as a thought leader, attracts people to you, and gives value to others.
Business Toolbox:
- Target Market Research Guides
- Sales Call templates:
- Accounting and Finance for the first year of your coaching business
- Pricing and Positioning Reference Guides
Extra Credit: Career Coaching Certification!
Please know career coaching certification is a separate process that takes place after going through the training program, but it’s fully optional.
Why do we split apart the certification and training? A few reasons:
First, we recognize that not everyone cares about having our Professional Career Coach designation for their business or credentials and just want the skills, tools, proven frameworks, and knowledge to run their own practice.
Second, there are significant benefits to becoming certified that we want to make sure remain meaningful for those who’ve chosen to go this extra step—including:
- Receive the Professional Certified Career Coach Seal to place on your website, LinkedIn or marketing documents.
- Ability to use the PCC (Professional Career Coach) designation after your name. Example: Scott Anthony Barlow, SPHR, PCC
- Eligible to be part of the Happen To Your Career Referral Network
- Eligible to obtain a license to use Happen to Your Career program materials for your coaching.
- Get a students only discount on HTYC events, Business Growth Coaching, and more
Third, we want to make sure that each coach can confidently meet our coaching standards that the training itself prepares you for.
Finally, in order to provide all of this at the highest level our students have come to expect, getting certified is an intense mentorship process that takes roughly 1-6 months depending on each student, and involves a lot of personal time, attention and practice with your coach.
It’s a big investment of our own time, as much as it is for those who join. And just as we will show you how to find and work with the kind of clients who fill you with joy and excitement because they are the right fit for what you offer…we want to make sure anyone who raises their hand to get certified is a good fit, too.
(This is why certification is not automatic or guaranteed…)
Rest assured, though: Either way, you will leave our Professional Career Coaching training empowered with everything you need to go out and produce amazing results for your clients and yourself.
What Happens After You’ve Gone Through The Training and Certification?
Here’s what you can expect after you come out of the training and become certified as a PCC
- You will know how to work with a large variety of people in nearly any industry to help them identify their own ideal career.
- You will understand a process and a framework to lead any client through nearly any situation OR when to help them get additional resources
- You will have everything you need to get your first clients or get a role with a company you want to work with.

Meet Michelle Robin
We helped Michelle land her biggest client at the time. Now she runs a full scale personal branding company where she lands 5K clients all the time!

Meet David Mariano
We helped David refine the coaching process and framework he was using and then to get his very first clients! We also helped him build out the initial marketing for his business and create his first pricing and packages.

Meet Kimberly Ramsawak
Kimberly launched her first ever services and course offering to obtain her first premium clients.
What Is The Investment Cost for the Training?
We’ve been meticulously researching other programs for years and have found that other certifications cost $2,000 – $10,000.
Then afterwards, you still have to go find a business coach or business training program that may cost anywhere from $2,500 – $15,000.
This can quickly skyrocket your total investment to as much as $25,000+
That’s not even counting your time spent finding the right combination of programs and certifications.
Because to make matters worse, these programs aren’t specific to career coaching or career coaching businesses.
Here at HTYC, we’re committed to offering a disproportionate “Return on Investment” with our program, training and preparation for your future.
And we make sure you have everything you need inside one program to take control of your life and create your own career coaching practice.
Best of all you can choose just one track or enroll in both tracks.
- Developing Technical Mastery as a Career Coach
- Understanding the Fundamental Coaching Competency Models
- Defining Clarity and Expectations For Your Clients
- Uncovering Your Clients Signature Strengths
- Construct A Compelling Career Vision
- Designing Career Experiments
- How to Build Plans that Make the Impossible a Reality
- Advanced Coaching Techniques (Created exclusively by HTYC)
- Building a Viable Coaching Business and Your First Clients
- Define Your Target Market (and get to know them better than they know themselves)
- Crafting a Compelling Coaching Offer and Package Your Services
- The Art of Closing The Sale
- Your First Clients
- Your Website and Starter Branding
- Creating Your Client Attraction Magnet and Bring Quality Leads to You
- Automating Your Marketing System to Leverage Your Limited Time
- Driving Traffic to Your New Coaching Client Marketing Funnel
- Everything in Career Coaching Mastery (Track #1)
- Everything in Coaching Business Accelerator (Track #2)
- You will know how to work with a large variety of people in nearly any industry to help them identify their own ideal career.
- You will understand a process and a framework to lead any client through nearly any situation OR when to help them get additional resources
- You will have everything you need to get your first clients or get a role with a company you want to work with.
Here’s The First Step To Take:
To fill out an application and schedule a call to find out if becoming a career coach and our program is right for you, please use the link below.
Once you click the link, you’ll be taken to a page where you can fill out the free application and schedule a call with our Director of Client Success.
There’s zero pressure to join or invest in anything on the call. Just a quick get-to-know ya chat to bounce around questions and ideas, and see what makes the most sense for what you’re interested in accomplishing.
If anything, we’re on the lookout for who to NOT let join because again, we’re more interested in making sure whoever we work with is a good fit all around.
If you already know that’s you, you can get started by clicking the link below to apply now—see you on the other side!
“Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try.”
You Now Have A Very Exciting Journey Awaiting You And An Equally Important Decision To Make!
If you’ve come this far, I’m going to double-down on my guess that you know in your heart and mind already that helping people change their lives and careers is calling you.
The only question then is what getting to the point of feeling 10,000% confident you can help your clients—at any stage of their careers—will look like.
You could spend the next several years—easily a decade a more as we have—figuring it all out on your own and risk getting burnt out or giving up on something you’ve already discovered you’re amazing at.
Or there’s the path you already know is the smarter and more efficient way to Make It Happen:
Learning the same proven modern frameworks, tools, and skills our company and coaches have spent more than 15 years creating and refining. Resources that will save you countless years of guesswork and frustration, and empower you with the skills and confidence to address any situation thrown at you.
There is an entirely different life out there waiting for you. It can be fueled by a career or a thriving business where you get to help people create meaning in their own life and work.
As you’ve probably experienced through helping others by sharing your advice, it’s incredibly rewarding!
And it gives you the keys to lead the type of life desire and deserve. It gives you more autonomy and flexibility than you could hope for.
But at the end of the day, only you can make that decision for yourself!
To fill out an application and schedule a call to find out if becoming a career coach and our program is right for you, please click the button:
After you complete the training, you may begin the certification process at any time (which involves demonstrating your skills and working one-on-one with a mentor coach). The certification process lasts about 1 – 6 months depending on how frequently you are coaching.
Additionally, we see that what people put into it, they get out of it.
Lastly, some areas are easier or more difficult depending on the person. For example, anything that I have to do that involves writing takes me twice as long as the average human being. Expect those individual factors, but we’ve created the course with 5-10 hours per week in mind.
Success Stories: From Amateur to Professional

Tracy Timm of
Scott helped Tracy land her first client, and today, she is a leading voice on career change. In addition to running a successful career coaching business, she is often featured as a voice on workplace issues on networks including ESPN Radio, Fox News, and her local news segment, Morning Dose.

Mimi Zheng
When Mimi joined the course, her main goal was to break even on her investment. Within 90 days of entering the course, she’d already accomplished that! Not only did she win over clients almost immediately upon implementing our process, but she also learned how to clearly define her ideal customer and then close the deal when she found the right individuals.

Michelle Robin of
After Michelle started working with our team, she managed to land her biggest client of all time! Landing that first big fish was important because it made Michelle realize she could regularly charge what she wanted instead of lowering prices out of fear that people wouldn’t think she was worth it. Today Michelle continues to set prices with confidence as she runs a full scale personal branding company.

David Mariano of
We helped David, a finance expert, build out his plans to lead and mentor career seekers in the finance sector. After taking our advice on marketing plans, package prices, and a practical framework for coaching, he won over his first clients. Today, he continues to find fulfillment through leading the next generation of leaders in finance.

Kimberly Ramsawak of
Happen To Your Career equipped Kimberly to launch her own business and close the deal on her first premium clients. Kimberly is a perfect example of someone finding their unique specialty and turning it into a thriving business. Drawing from her own search for a career that enabled her to fly around the world, she has a strong platform for helping others transform travel daydreams into a reality.

Michael Of
Michael was quickly climbing the ladder in a corporate world that bored him. His dad’s battle with cancer and his son’s upcoming birth made him rethink his life, and he realized he was made for more than a lifetime of career disillusionment. He joined our course, secured his first client(!), and set out on his new and exciting mission to help people find their maximum career velocity.

Olivia Gamber
When Olivia came to us, she was already an organizational psychologist fascinated with workplace dynamics. She had the books-based knowledge, but she needed to transform it into a business! We helped Olivia land her very first clients and then the next and the next and the NEXT! She transformed from an educated HR professional to an enthusiastic coach who helps people change their lives using the unwritten rules of career advancement.
I Want to Know More! What’s next?

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Or contact or directly with questions or to set up a call to get your questions answered!