Karen Woodin-Rodríguez
Career Coach
Career Coach. Avid Journaler. Lover of Story & Plays. Cat Mom to Gus & Leo. World Traveler.
In 2012, I learned that there is a system for people to find their dream jobs.
Since then, I’ve used that exact system to land 5 dream jobs.
- Managing the largest social enterprise incubator in India while building the digital brand of a sixteen-billion-dollar multinational.
- Managing a $11M portfolio across Latin America for the microlending platform Kiva.org with the mission of alleviating poverty.
- Leading Talent Placement at a World Bank top 50 edtech startup changing Latin America.
- Teaching creative professionals how to turn their talents into a 6-figure UX career in tech.
- Becoming a Career Coach at Happen to Your Career!
Over the past 8 years, I have helped 500+ professionals access life-changing careers where they make more money (average salary increases of $28K) and feel more alive in their work.
Here are some unconventional results I’ve helped my clients achieve:
- A junior tech professional beat out an ex-Google employee for a role
- A former marketer negotiated $20K from an initial $90K offer
- A graphic designer from Ukraine landed a UX Designer role at Fidelity Investments (without prior work experience in the US)
- A budding filmmaker landed a Video Editor role at a media company (without prior networking experience)
- A former educator (20+years) pivoted into a UX Researcher role in Canada
These are the top 3 things clients love about working with me: (you can see 40+ recommendations from former clients on my LinkedIn profile)
- I genuinely care about you & your success.
- I offer tailored, strategic, actionable advice. You won’t leave a call without knowing what to do.
- I believe in you 1000% so that you believe in you.
My entire career has been about helping people reach their full potential.
Here’s how I became a Career Coach.
I’m a millennial, and I drank the Kool-Aid: I want to change the world.
I thought I would do that by working in national politics or at the UN, which is why I studied Political Science at Columbia University and had a career in the impact sector across India and Latin America for 8 years. How might social enterprises solve some of our biggest challenges like poverty, access to drinking water, and clean energy, and provide opportunities for upward mobility for immigrants?
Then, while I was Portfolio Manager at Kiva.org, one of the partners I onboarded needed help placing their software engineering graduates into jobs. I can help, I thought. And so I started coaching newly-minted software engineers. They got life-changing jobs, making more money than they ever had, and they now had a career that promised growth and continued financial security. I discovered that I love taking people from: “Karen, I don’t think I can do this” to “OMG, WE DID IT!”
Now I change the world one conversation at a time, one person at a time.
It’s been more than 5,000 coaching conversations since I started, and I’ve never looked back.
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown → This is the first time I learned that my emotions were valuable instead of something I needed to hide, and it was an invitation to embrace my vulnerability.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi → This book is the reason I have a Roth IRA and amazing credit cards that allow me to fly to Switzerland for $150.
The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self by Martha Beck → engaging storytelling to convince you to trust your intuition.
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron → Belief in the abundance of the universe and your one unique calling. The practice of morning pages (3-pages of free-form writing in the morning) helps me clear my heart and mind.
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney → I read this in 2023 while fulfilling a lifelong dream of spending a summer in Paris, just juicy fiction, big friendship, queer love, and nail-biting tension.
I’m a theater-trained actor. I’ve filmed movies and TV shows for Netflix and Paramount+.
Acting was my journey back to myself: feeling my body, being in the present moment, embracing my vulnerability, trusting my intuition, and connecting with others from the perspective that each and every interaction is ephemeral and magical. I bring this presence and energy to my coaching conversations.
Also, my first language is Spanish, and I was raised in Monterrey, Mexico.
Strengths Finder: Positivity, Activator, Maximizer, Developer, Relator
Human Design: Manifestor – The Fire Starter
Why I work with HTYC
Two reasons:
- I want to change the world by helping you find work that makes you feel alive. This quote by Howard Thurman gives me chills and is 100% true for me.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - I love being surrounded by kind, smart people who are the best at what they do and want to make the world a better place. I came here for the relationships I can build with my colleagues, to experience belonging, to learn, and to grow.

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