Nathan Kotterman

Community Onboarding Manager

Husband. Dog Dad. Avid Cruiser. Pizza Nut. Explorer/Learner.


My professional career began right out of college. I interned the summer before my senior year, which led to a job offer once I graduated. This was very exciting as it meant I would move to Chicago to start working. The boy from a small Indiana town was moving to the big city!

After leaving my first professional position, I was still determining what path to take (I REALLY wish I had known about career coaching at this juncture in my life!)

I worked a few part-time jobs in retail and decided I was going to get my real estate license. While in class for this, I met someone who suggested I come work at the mortgage company where she worked. The job was new and challenging, but I quickly realized it wasn’t the right fit. I tried the same position with a different company, and things did not improve. I felt stuck because I liked the paycheck and didn’t know if I could switch careers. Again, I stuck it out, this time for 12 ½ years. When my position was eliminated, the immediate feeling was relief.

During this work “intermission,” I focused on self-discovery. It would have been much easier to stay in the same line of work simply to have a paycheck. I knew this would not be a healthy decision, and through the ups and downs, I kept my focus.

The stars aligned when I heard about a position opening up at Happen To Your Career. I’m so excited to be part of this amazing organization!!!!


Strengths Finder Top 5:

  • Input 
  • Strategic
  • Futuristic
  • Learner
  • Achiever 

Favorite books

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Broken Horses – Brandi Carlile

Fun fact

Retired runner. 6 marathons completed – 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. All of which were the Chicago Marathon. #7 was going to be my New York Marathon debut however Hurricane Sandy had other plans and the race was cancelled the day before the race.


I had the opportunity to meet Scott and many other team members when they had their in-person meeting in St. Louis last year. During the drive home, the dominant thought in my head was “These are my people”. Every person believes strongly in the mission of changing the way we approach work and happiness at work. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of helping others on this journey (which may seem like a dream but is very much a reality!)

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