Change the world by following YOUR dream!
Have you ever been around anyone that absolutely loves the work they do?
These people are some of the most positive, most ambitious, energetic, inspiring people on the planet. Others can’t wait to work with them, they are more productive working on their teams, and people even feel like their ideas, thoughts and contributions matter more when being around someone who is passionate about both their work and purpose in life.
Unfortunately there are too few people out there like this. Most people in this country have the opportunity to be this person, but just don’t know where to start.
That stops TODAY.
I want YOU to be this person, I want you be so excited about your work you can’t wait hardly sleep because the next morning seems like it will never get here. I want you to contribute to the world in a different way than you are currently.
Imagine what your work would be like if there were more of these people! Imagine how much more productive and innovative, and transparent, and empathetic and generous our world could be if people were aligned with both their strengths and their
At Happen to Your Career we want to help change the world beginning with one project and one person at a time. On July 29, 2013 we began a movement that marked the beginning of this change.
Think about what you or your family or your friends could accomplish if they loved their work, were passionate about their purpose and bent on helping other people.
If you want to experience this change for yourself:
Sign up for free HTYC membership. Over the next year we will make sure you have access to all the inspiration, tools, and roadmaps to make your journey to the work you were meant to do!