16 Career Change Catalysts

We’ve all had those moments that make us stop in our tracks and wonder, “Is this really what I want to be doing with my life?”

Sometimes, it’s a gentle nudge, other times it’s a wake-up call that hits like a ton of bricks. Here are a few life events that often prompt people to reassess their career paths:

  1. The birth of a new child.
  2. The loss of a parent or close family member.
  3. A friend or family member facing a health crisis — a near-miss that makes you think.
  4. A beloved boss leaves, and new management arrives.
  5. Your company goes through a merger, acquisition, or a major leadership change.
  6. A global event, like a pandemic, turns everything upside down.
  7. You’re denied an opportunity you were banking on — like that promotion you had your heart set on.
  8. You realize there’s no real upward path ahead where you are.
  9. Your health starts to take a hit — from burnout to sudden health scares.
  10. An unexpected meeting with an old friend reminds you just how far you’ve strayed from your dreams.
  11. A brush with mortality — a natural disaster or accident — brings new clarity.
  12. A major motivator in your job disappears (hello, pay cuts or lost vacation time).
  13. That new job you thought would change everything… doesn’t.
  14. A major life milestone approaches — turning 30, 40, 50…
  15. You’re suddenly out of a job, not by choice.
  16. You’re forced to move for reasons outside your control.

Do any of these sound familiar?

If you’re finding yourself in one of these situations, it might be the perfect time to rethink what you really want in your career.

I’d love to hear which one of these resonates with you — and more importantly, how you’re thinking about your next steps, just email me scott@happentoyourcareer.com with “career catalyst” in the subject line.