Ben Fox, ACC
Career Coach
Life is precious and urgent. We don’t know how much time we have on planet Earth, so why waste it doing work that we don’t love? Let’s work together to figure out what it is you want and make it happen.
It was a Friday night in early December 2013, and I was falling asleep standing up at a concert. “I cannot keep going like this,” I thought to myself, as I reflected on my job teaching 3rd graders. The next day, I told my family that I needed to quit, but they encouraged me to teach through the school year, which is what I ended up doing.
I have had many moments like this, where a lightning bolt revelation comes to me and I change paths in my career. I went from teacher, to working with my entrepreneur Dad (with work on the side editing, writing, delivering food via bicycle, program managing an entrepreneur accelerator program), to figuring out that I wanted to become a life and career coach.
In 2016, I finally found my calling. I took a year-long coach training program and haven’t looked back. Today, I have finally found a company that feels like home and challenges me to live a big life. I love to coach because it truly is my ideal role: it gives me purpose by helping people in a tangible way daily, allows me to use my strengths and passion, and pays me well.
Deciding to work with a coach puts you ahead of the game because you are choosing action toward a new life. As your coach, I will make sure to challenge you in our work together and keep your positive momentum going from a place of calm. I will hold you accountable and help you figure out what it is you really want from this next chapter of your life.
Beyond my work as a coach, I love to play soccer, talk about and watch tv and film, act, travel, cook/eat/all things food, see live music and comedy, snowboard, and spend quality time with loved ones. I love my work as a career coach here at HTYC and look forward to helping you achieve your dreams!
Favorite books
“The Left Hand of Darkness,” a science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. I love all poetry by Shel Silverstein, Danez Smith, and John Murillo, most books I’ve read by Haruki Murakami, and “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.
fun fact
I have played soccer almost every year of my life since I was 4 years old, I have dreams of being an actor in TV and film, and my great-grandfather was a success during the Great Depression in NYC by selling fake feathers for hats!
assessment results
Clifton Strengths:
- Empathy
- Connectedness
- Maximizer
- Relator
- Achiever
why i work with htyc
HTYC has always existed for me. What I mean is that I have always believed that there are workplaces out there where I would get to do meaningful work that compensated and treated me well, and work with people who I respected and enjoyed being around. HTYC is a company that leads by example and supports its staff to have the big, juicy lives that HTYC clients are after as well.
Working with HTYC, I know that I will be challenged to grow into the best current version of myself possible and will help others do the same.