Dianna Conover
Career Coach
Dog Mom to Henry and Plant Mom to 20. Avid Walker and Sunrise Catcher. Self Development Junkie. Introverted Homebody. Passionate about helping people make their career dreams come true.
When I was a little girl, I would tell everyone that I wanted to be a therapist. I honestly had no idea what that actually meant but I knew it would be a career where I would get to help people and make an impact. As I grew, this dream morphed several times but the common thread was always helping people and making an impact in their lives.
I wholeheartedly believe that God put me on this earth to help others see a life of possibility, joy, and fulfillment. This is what is at the core of what I do – I dig into the core of others to help them connect the dots to what they need. As your coach, I will challenge you to dig deeper, encourage you to look at things differently, and support you in this journey of discovering your true, authentic next step.
When I am not coaching, you will find me taking long walks with my mini bernedoodle, Henry. We love to walk early in the morning to catch the sunrise. I always have several books that I am reading (both audio and physical) and they are a good mix of fun and professional. I am fiercely loyal to my chosen people and love to take care of them through food, wine, and great conversations.
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton – This beautiful tale plays homage to the Secret Garden (my favorite book as a little girl) and thoughtfully touches on not only living with loss but overcoming it. Kate’s writing is absolutely amazing and this book will stick with you.
My love and passion for music is in my blood. My Grandpa was a musician on an old TV show – you might have heard of it – Bonanza! He also had several albums and his guitar was purchased by Willie Nelson after he passed away. Guess it was destined for me to play both guitar and violin.
Strengths: Relator, developer, consistency, empathy, deliberative
Enneagram: Type 6
Human Design: Manifesting Generator
Why I work with HTYC
No one teaches us how to pick a career when we are young. It’s about status, money, or making our parents happy. This leads to a long life of dissatisfaction, boredom, or just plain unhappiness. It’s shrouded by the “should”. I became a career coach because I believe that everyone should have a career that they love and is full of purpose and fulfillment. I love that HTYC is not about the “should” but about your unique needs and wants.

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