Samantha Martin
Content Manager
I work behind the scenes on every step of the Happen To Your Career Podcast!
I am a mom, wrangler of two rescue dogs, and married to the funniest person I know. I have spent the past 10 years in marketing, specifically writing for TV and radio. I truly love telling the story of people and organizations through content that evokes emotion! My passion for podcasts comes from a love of storytelling and a genuine curiosity for the world.
When I’m not crafting the latest HTYC podcast, you can usually find me with my nose in a book or nerding out over some fantasy or sci-fi show or movie. I enjoy starting my day with a good run and try to stay active by regularly signing up for races!
Fiction (all series): Harry Potter, Red Rising, The Hunger Games, A Court of Thorns & Roses, Red Queen, Throne of Glass
Non-fiction: The Gifts of Imperfection (Brene Brown), Daring Greatly (Brene Brown), The Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod), Eat, Pray, Love (Elizabeth Gilbert)
I grew up a Navy Brat and have lived in 7 states & Guam. My dad is originally from Upstate New York, so he ensured our NFL loyalty was always with the Buffalo Bills! #BillsMafia 💙❤️🦬
- Strengths Finder Top 5: Relator, Harmony, Communication, Focus, Consistency
- Enneagram 2
Why I work with HTYC:
I love creating content that inspires others to go after what they truly want out of life and their career! I am honored to be a part of sharing our clients’ inspiring career change stories with the world.

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