Happen To Your Career Coaching
You will find all the other types of coaching that we do, including Interview & Negotiation coaching, here.
Coaching That Fits You
“Unconventional”, “Intentional and Strategic”, “Life changing”, “a kick in the pants when I most needed it“
That’s what people all over the world have said about our coaching services. We focus on results not resumes. We help you define your ideal career (and life) and then take step after step to make it happen.
We call our team “coaches” but really they serve you as a strategist, expert, teacher, accountability partner and a coach rolled up in one.
If you’re looking for a quick once over of your resume or a brush up on your LinkedIn profile – go someplace else.
But if you want ridiculous results and big changes that make your life and work happier and more fulfilling – we’re your peeps!

Interview Coaching
Get all the support that you need to feel comfortable and even have fun in your interviews, and turn them into job offers (plural!)
We can help you prepare for interviews in the most effective way, allow potential employers to see you at your very best, or even help them chase after you in the parking lot to give you an offer!
Want to find out if Interview Coaching is right for you?

Negotiation Coaching
If you have a job offer, or are expecting a job offer, or just want to renegotiate a raise, we can help.
Our negotiation coaching ranges from helping you develop a negotiation plan, all the way to getting you exact conversation formulas that leverage psychology. That way you can get what you want from your next job offer, and avoid coming off as greedy or a difficult person to work with. Plus we will happy dance with you when you accept your offer!
Want to find out if Negotiation Coaching is right for you?