How To Get Unstuck Without Starting Over: 4 Part Podcast Series

Are you feeling stuck in your career? There’s a way out.

Get Unstuck In Your Career (Without Starting Over)

Happen To Your Career 4 part Podcast Series

This is it. Another day in an underwhelming office. You look up at the clock and realize it’s only been three minutes since the last time you checked. There are four hours left in the work day and you can’t seem to find your motivation anywhere. Come to think of it, you can’t remember the last time you felt excited about your job. Maybe it was before your 5-year anniversary? Or when you accepted that first promotion? Or the first day of work in your company? You are feeling stuck.

 Whatever your backstory, you now find yourself . . . stuck.

At least it seems that way.

Over the years, you’ve invested money and time into the path you’re on, and even though you now realize it’s not your dream career, you don’t want all your effort to be in vain. As painful as these days feel, nothing sounds more painful than starting over.

After all, this job is manageable. You’ve gotten used to dreading Mondays. Your boss isn’t your favorite, but you’ve been around the company long enough to recognize when to avoid her. Maybe you’re just one of those people who has a job to pay the bills—not to do work you love. Nobody likes work, right? Isn’t everyone miserable?

Getting unstuck looks different than you think.

The truth is, NOT everyone is miserable. Over the years, we’ve seen thousands of CCB students move from less than glamorous roles to careers they love. At some point, almost all of those people felt like you do: stuck, with no obvious solution to get unstuck. They couldn’t fathom starting over.

Episode 1

The problem with career change: Why you feel stuck

  • Don’t want to get another college degree but don’t know how to make a move.
  • You don’t want to start over, but worry your skills won’t transfer to a new career.
  • Don’t have experience in anything else.
  • You’ve invested a lot of time and effort in your current role/company

Episode 2

Changing careers doesn’t mean starting over – Why your skills are more transferrable than you think they are

  • You don’t actually have to start over
  • You can use your existing skills, experience, knowledge, and degrees to make a transition into something new
  • Letting go of the sunk cost fallacy

Episode 3

What do successful career changes with no experience actually look like?

  • The industry crossover
  • The bridge job
  • The same career, but better
  • The location changer

Episode 4

The Solution: Summary of process

In this episode we want to break down the mysterious differences of why some people stay stuck and why others don’t

  • How to get unstuck
  • Why we get focused one particular solution and how that works against us through the process, through the career change process
  • Why it’s not just helping other people that makes you feel fulfilled
  • Instead, there are specific ways you have to help other people
  • The research behind what keeps people stuck
  • Learn how the anti-placebo works against you during career change or in your career

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Or for more help listen to the Happen to Your Career Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher (if that’s your sort of thing) ;o)