569: Step Into Your Potential: Overcome Doubt and Find Meaningful Work You Love

Learn how Sarah overcame self-doubt from health challenges, unlocked her power as a multipotentialite and found meaningful work she's passionate about!



Sarah Hawkins, Operations Coordinator for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

Sarah was forced to take a career break due to health challenges. When she decided to jump back into the workforce, she faced many hurdles before landing her ideal role.

on this episode

We’ve all experienced setbacks in life, but it’s about how we react to them that makes the difference between reaching our goals or letting them fall by the wayside.

When it comes to career change, many people, including High Performers, are bound to stumble on a few things before ultimately reaching their new career. Asking for help is key to getting through this!

Meet Sarah Hawkins

Sarah knows this story all too well.

After being out of the workforce for a good chunk of time from a physical setback

Her first obstacle to overcome was her belief that she couldn’t do anything due to her health.

Once she overcame that… she didn’t have a clue what she wanted to do.

She finally decided to jump back into the daily grind, but like many people looking to get back into work after a long brea she just didn’t know what she wanted.

Her previous job experiences didn’t seem to help her figure it out any faster as she was a self-described “dabbler.” Or what we like to call, a multipotentialite.

Sarah had a lot of interests and could never narrow down what she was passionate enough to commit to full-time.

She had never found work she really enjoyed.

That’s when she reached out to us.

Sarah worked with her coach to change her mindset on what she could and couldn’t do and began to figure out her ideal role.

She overcame limiting beliefs about her health and personality and had a mindset shift, allowing her to figure out what fulfilling work would look like. All of this introspective work and career exploration eventually led to her finding her dream role for a nonprofit organization!

What you’ll learn

  • The importance of gaining a deeper understanding of your strengths, interests, and values to guide career decisions.
  • How asking for help can set you apart give you the confidence needed to make an intentional career change
  • How Sarah overcame career change hurdles, including health obstacles, self-doubt, and a career hiatus
  • How to discover your own version of meaningful work (a job that fulfills you and makes a positive impact on your life!)

Success Stories

The biggest thing in CCB that's changed my life, it helped me understand that I had an abused way of going back to the unhealthy environment in my current workplace without even realizing what it's doing to me. Once you helped me see that and once I got out of it, all the other areas of my life also improved! So it wasn't just CCB I noticed this career changing and wasn't just a career change. It was like a whole improvement all areas of life.

Mahima Gopalakrishnan, Career and Life Coach, United States/Canada

If you're ready to make the change, if you're willing to give yourself the time that you deserve to figure out what's right for you. If you're willing to take that time, I think Happen To Your Career, and the Figure Out What Fits course, can be great for a lot of people, if you're feeling stuck, and you don't have to bridge that gap to where you are. I think this is a great, great course to really break everything down and give you what you need.

Nicole Mathessen, Art Director, United States/Canada

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