Happen To Your Career Success Stories
We’ve worked with thousands of people all over the world to find and create their ideal careers.

"I can honestly say that I would not be where I'm at today without the HTYC crew."
Tonya Malcolm-Revell

Career Happiness Starts Here!
Stories of Successful Career Changes
Every single one of these people started where you are: Wanting to find their ideal career and do meaningful work that pays well.
Below you’ll find hundreds of the people we’ve worked with all over the world.
All of them from different cities, different industries and even drastically different roles. Click on their individual full stories to learn more.
Don’t let the smiling photos fool you! Every single one of them went through some serious ups and downs to get there! But you know what? All of them said it “was worth it!”
No matter what your situation is, we can absolutely help! It’s what we do (and what we love to do!)

Ready for Career Happiness?
What Career Fits You?
Finally figure out what you should be doing for work
Join our 8-day “Mini-Course” to figure it out. It’s free!