Tania DeSa, HTYC, Happen To Your Career

Tania DeSa is a connector. She has a genuine interest in other people!  She craves connection.  Connection to others, to her purpose, to her environment.  She’s has been to 67 countries on 6 different continents.  She believes that by becoming more connected to your purpose and to those around you, you can and will have a great impact on the world!

In this episode, Tania talks with Scott about how to connect with others, how to understand your skills and passions and her experiences leading up to helping newbies in careers or countries!

After you’ve listened to this interview, Tweet Tania and let her know you loved her interview on #HTYC !

You need the naysayers, then you know you’re on the right track!


Part of finding your strengths is noticing the trends in your life.

Recognize when you come out of a meeting or activity completely engergized–evidence of your strengths

“Gratitude is a reflection of your own genius” – Danielle LaPorte

Newbie: Someone who is new to the environment (country, place, company, culture)

1. Define and declare your personal brand– “own your awesomeness”

2. Develop an action plan and accountability structure

How do you recognize your worth or value?

Understand your values.

Use those values to make decisions.

Keep your values present, so they are top of mind.

-post it notes

-vision boards

-background of your phone

Be reminded constantly of your values.

Pick one area of your life or one value to focus on

-focus on it

-brainstorm ideas

-create action plan around it

If you could design your ideal day, what would that look like?

Who is everybody? — define it.

Books & Resources Tania DeSa Mentions in the Interview

Danielle LaPorte

Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck

Nobody ever said transformational change would be easy

Who Inspires Tania DeSa?

 “My parents”

You have to put yourself out there and fearlessly ask

Check out Tania DeSa Endeavors

Tania’s website and blog

Connect with Tania DeSa

 Twitter: @passionigniter


 Question: If you could design your ideal day, what would it look like?

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