Happen To Your Career Podcast

A career change podcast for people who don’t want to settle. Stories of how high performers find meaningful work.

Want to be enamored with your work?

Yup. Work you freakin’ love is real.

Everything you’ve wished your work could be is real. It just doesn’t happen the way you think. Learn how top performers find work that fits. The Happen To Your Career Podcast is stories of real people who’ve found their ideal career.

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Happen to Your 
Career Podcast

Take control of your career happiness! "This podcast is the gateway drug to meaningful work…"

Scott’s voice sounds like smooth butter

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A premiere resource for building career happiness!

“Whether you’re trying to figure out what you want to do, have just realized you can’t keep doing what you’re doing, or are looking for ways to improve in the job you love, you’ve come to the right place!”

Thanks for everything

“This podcast has been tremendously influential for me this year as I’ve finally transitioned into my new career path. There’s so much insight and advice for every stage of the process- from trying to figure out what is even out there to interviewing, landing the job and negotiating pay.”

Smart Peeps you might already know



4x NYT Bestselling Author

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Author “The Happiness Project”

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Coaching for Leaders Podcast

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CEO and Author

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Author Strengths Finder 2.0

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WSJ Bestselling Author

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Recent Episodes

November 12, 2018

256: How Perseverance is the Only Thing Standing Between You and What You Want

In 2003, an animated film hit the theaters and captured the hearts of viewers everywhere. This movie, with a score of 99% on Rotten Tomatoes, not only thrilled our kids, but gave adults a motivating reminder about how to react when life gets tough.  Here’s the premise.  A clownfish named Marlin has lost his son […]

November 5, 2018

255: How Kristy Celebrated Small Victories on the Way to Her Dream Career

WHAT IF YOUR CAREER LOOKED LIKE TRAVELING THROUGH WINE COUNTRY? A slight breeze cools your skin as you sit in the afternoon sun. In the distance, you hear words you don’t recognize, a melodic language just faint enough that you can’t identify the specifics of its European roots. Instead of turning to identify the voice, your […]

October 29, 2018

254: How a Blast from the Past Can Give You Career Independence

CRANK THE DELOREAN, DOC Welp, you guessed it. We’re going back. Way back. Maybe even way-way-way back for some of you. Today’s steps for crashing through mental barriers on the way to career happiness require us to get into the heads of our teenage selves. (Some of you may have just shivered at the thought.) Grshcrshgrsh. The […]

October 8, 2018

251: How to Turn a Hobby You Love Into Your Full-time Role

A NEW 80/20 RULE   Did you know Google gives its employees 20% of work time to pursue their own passion projects? Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? Google employees get an entire day per week to: focus on work they are intrinsically motivated toward collaborate with coworkers on projects that may or may not end up making a profit […]

October 1, 2018

266: Career Change Advice From Linnea Who Jumped 4 Titles In 6 Months

Picture this. You’re a 14-year-old gymnast. Until now, you’ve lived a seemingly normal life. You’ve attended school, completed weekly chores, showed up at pizza parties… all the usual teenage stuff. But now, you’re getting close to what could be the biggest moment of your life. You’re training for the Olympics, and you have only two […]

September 17, 2018

248: The Guide to Choosing a Business Recipe that Works for you (And 1 type of business you’ve never considered)

BRAND NEW DAY, SAME OL’ STORY It’s been a long day. You pick up your work bag from the backseat and walk slowly to the door, exhausted from another disenchanted day in the office. Over the jingle of the keys in the lock, you hear voices inside—your family bustling about, excited for you to open the […]

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