Happen To Your Career Podcast

A career change podcast for people who don’t want to settle. Stories of how high performers find meaningful work.

Want to be enamored with your work?

Yup. Work you freakin’ love is real.

Everything you’ve wished your work could be is real. It just doesn’t happen the way you think. Learn how top performers find work that fits. The Happen To Your Career Podcast is stories of real people who’ve found their ideal career.

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Happen to Your 
Career Podcast

Take control of your career happiness! "This podcast is the gateway drug to meaningful work…"

Scott’s voice sounds like smooth butter

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A premiere resource for building career happiness!

“Whether you’re trying to figure out what you want to do, have just realized you can’t keep doing what you’re doing, or are looking for ways to improve in the job you love, you’ve come to the right place!”

Thanks for everything

“This podcast has been tremendously influential for me this year as I’ve finally transitioned into my new career path. There’s so much insight and advice for every stage of the process- from trying to figure out what is even out there to interviewing, landing the job and negotiating pay.”

Smart Peeps you might already know



4x NYT Bestselling Author

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Author “The Happiness Project”

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Coaching for Leaders Podcast

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CEO and Author

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Author Strengths Finder 2.0

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WSJ Bestselling Author

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Recent Episodes

July 2, 2018

237: Why Careers That Help Others Might Not Be Fulfilling for You

If you’re reading this right now, I’d be willing to bet that somewhere along the way in your career you had a realization. It came like an epiphany, the light bulb flipped on and you’re like wow! [Putting my fingers to my temple so that I can read your mind] What was that big realization […]

June 11, 2018

234: What If You Were The Only Thing Standing In Your Way From A Better Career?

Now looking back at it. I never really asked myself the questions of whether I wanted to do this. It is just normal. Many of us do that. That’s what Michal Balass had said when I asked her where her career started.  She went on to explain that she spent years getting her Doctorate and […]

June 4, 2018

233: A Private Conversation: Our Own Perfectionism On The HTYC Team And How We Handle It.

How do you know when your perfectionism is getting in the way of your progress? Or is it what helps you to be successful. Or is it somewhere in between. A short while back, we released a podcast episode on “perfectionism” and how you might not even know it’s holding you back. We got great feedback on […]

May 28, 2018

253: How Career Change at 20 is Different than 30 (or even 40 and 50)

I think one of most interesting pieces of human nature and psychology is that we all drastically overestimate how unique our situations really are. We’re biased to think that *our* situation is special and the most challenging set of circumstances. We see this every day with people at all ages. That said there are some real […]

May 21, 2018

231: How to Contact Hard to Reach and Busy People and Have Them Want to Help You

I get hundreds of emails each day. So much so that I use 3 different systems plus a person on my team to filter all the email I get.  This is true for many executives, managers and other people you might want to get to know and build a relationship with. They have a lot […]

May 14, 2018

230: What Would You Be Doing If You Weren’t Doing What You Are Now?

It was a complete blank for me. A complete and utter blank. That’s what Louise McNee said when HTYC career coach Lisa Lewis asked  “What would you be doing if you weren’t doing what you’re doing now?”  She had no idea.  Here’s the thing. That’s not just Louise, that’s most of the people that we […]

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