Happen To Your Career Podcast

A career change podcast for people who don’t want to settle. Stories of how high performers find meaningful work.

Want to be enamored with your work?

Yup. Work you freakin’ love is real.

Everything you’ve wished your work could be is real. It just doesn’t happen the way you think. Learn how top performers find work that fits. The Happen To Your Career Podcast is stories of real people who’ve found their ideal career.

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Happen to Your 
Career Podcast

Take control of your career happiness! "This podcast is the gateway drug to meaningful work…"

Scott’s voice sounds like smooth butter

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“Whether you’re trying to figure out what you want to do, have just realized you can’t keep doing what you’re doing, or are looking for ways to improve in the job you love, you’ve come to the right place!”

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“This podcast has been tremendously influential for me this year as I’ve finally transitioned into my new career path. There’s so much insight and advice for every stage of the process- from trying to figure out what is even out there to interviewing, landing the job and negotiating pay.”

Smart Peeps you might already know



4x NYT Bestselling Author

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Author “The Happiness Project”

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Coaching for Leaders Podcast

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CEO and Author

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Author Strengths Finder 2.0

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WSJ Bestselling Author

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Recent Episodes

May 7, 2018

285: Avoiding Passion To Find Career Happiness With Daniel Pink

Dan Pink has written multiple New York Times best sellers, he’s been a speech writer for Al Gore, He’s given many Keynotes all over the world. His current book “When” has been sitting atop the best seller list for months. Looking at his career right now, you’d have no idea that at one point he […]

April 30, 2018

228: Turning Your Passions Into Your Career With Christie Mims

What is my passion?? Passion can be defined in many ways in relation to your career. Christie Mims, the founder of the Revolutionary Club, a Forbes Top 100 website for your career, wants people to separate their passion from their job. According to her, in the grander scale of things, passion is bigger than just your […]

April 23, 2018

227: Become Unhackable with Kary Oberbrunner

Have you ever been so excited about a new project or goal that you’ve set for yourself that you just can’t wait to start? You sit and visualize yourself going through the motions of the process, checking off all the boxes on your to-do list, and finally you check off that last task, then you […]

April 16, 2018

258: Why You Don’t Even Know Perfectionism Is Holding You Back

IS BEING A PERFECTIONIST HOLDING YOU BACK? What’s the meaning of perfectionism really? per·fec·tion·ismpərˈfekSHəˌnizəm noun            refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. As far as I know perfection doesn’t exist because it’s subjective. This of course means that if we are after perfection, then we are already setting ourselves […]

April 9, 2018

225: Why Willpower Doesn’t Work, And What To Do Instead

WHAT IF YOU WERE FORCED TO FIGURE THINGS OUT? You know that scene in the Pursuit of Happyness where Will Smith is sitting on the floor in the bathroom with his son after everything has come crashing down and he has no place to live and he’s hit rock bottom? He’s put into a situation where […]

April 2, 2018

224: How Having Awkward Conversations Can Completely Change Your Life in Surprising Ways

“WHAT IF THE MOMENTS IN OUR LIVES THAT FEEL THE MOST AWKWARD ARE ACTUALLY THE MOST VALUABLE?” That’s the question that Melissa Dahl poses in her new book Cringeworthy, a Theory of Awkwardness. It’s also something that I’ve been pondering for about 10 years now. Particularly, the area of having difficult and awkward conversations and how they […]

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