Happen To Your Career Podcast

A career change podcast for people who don’t want to settle. Stories of how high performers find meaningful work.

Want to be enamored with your work?

Yup. Work you freakin’ love is real.

Everything you’ve wished your work could be is real. It just doesn’t happen the way you think. Learn how top performers find work that fits. The Happen To Your Career Podcast is stories of real people who’ve found their ideal career.

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Happen to Your 
Career Podcast

Take control of your career happiness! "This podcast is the gateway drug to meaningful work…"

Scott’s voice sounds like smooth butter

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A premiere resource for building career happiness!

“Whether you’re trying to figure out what you want to do, have just realized you can’t keep doing what you’re doing, or are looking for ways to improve in the job you love, you’ve come to the right place!”

Thanks for everything

“This podcast has been tremendously influential for me this year as I’ve finally transitioned into my new career path. There’s so much insight and advice for every stage of the process- from trying to figure out what is even out there to interviewing, landing the job and negotiating pay.”

Smart Peeps you might already know



4x NYT Bestselling Author

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Author “The Happiness Project”

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Coaching for Leaders Podcast

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CEO and Author

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Author Strengths Finder 2.0

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WSJ Bestselling Author

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Recent Episodes

September 19, 2016

144: Bringing Authenticity into the Workplace with Joanie Connell

What do you like doing? Does it make an appearance at your day job? Bringing more of yourself and being authentic to who you are at your core into your workplace should be mandatory. Being authentic in your life and career is more beneficial to your success in your career than being a certain persona that […]

September 14, 2016

: Build a business on the side in 6 months

One of the biggest misconceptions about starting a business is that it’s like a board game. All the players begin on the square marked “Go,” and then you move in a predictable path around the board. Sure, you might encounter a delay here or a “lose a turn” card there, but for the most part, […]

September 12, 2016

143: Finding Your Confidence By Getting Comfortable in the Discomfort with Maxie McCoy

Discomfort: noun dis·com·fort \dis-ˈkəm-fərt\1. Mental or physical uneasiness, 2. A feeling of being somewhat worried, unhappy, etc. Are you comfortable with being uncomfortable? Are you in a place in your life, whether in your career or not, that makes you feel uneasy? Maybe you’re stuck in limbo wondering if you need to start transitioning out of your current […]

September 5, 2016

142: Getting Off the Traditional Path of Success and Taking Audacious Action with Caroline Greene

Have you ever found yourself feeling guilty or unappreciative for wanting something other than the career and life that you’ve already worked so hard to create? Does the doubt that lingers in your mind that maybe you’re not on the right career path even though you’ve achieved great success in your professional life make you feel […]

August 29, 2016

141: The Science of Happiness: How to Find Joy and Get Back to Playing Through Positive Psychology with Michelle McQuaid

Are you finding yourself unsatisfied by the life path that you are on? Do you ever feel like once you achieve a goal or you get where you want to be in your career or in a particular place in your life that all you want is more? Some of us work a job day in […]

August 22, 2016

140: Uncover Your Signature Sauce and Redefine Your Story with Paul Angone

What’s your story? Do you even know? Have you taken the time to look at your own story? Ask yourself: what are the biggest triumphs of your story? Find out where the biggest tragedies that you’ve experienced are in your story. Between the times that you’ve felt the most successful- the times that made you […]

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