Happen To Your Career Podcast

A career change podcast for people who don’t want to settle. Stories of how high performers find meaningful work.

Want to be enamored with your work?

Yup. Work you freakin’ love is real.

Everything you’ve wished your work could be is real. It just doesn’t happen the way you think. Learn how top performers find work that fits. The Happen To Your Career Podcast is stories of real people who’ve found their ideal career.

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Happen to Your 
Career Podcast

Take control of your career happiness! "This podcast is the gateway drug to meaningful work…"

Scott’s voice sounds like smooth butter

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A premiere resource for building career happiness!

“Whether you’re trying to figure out what you want to do, have just realized you can’t keep doing what you’re doing, or are looking for ways to improve in the job you love, you’ve come to the right place!”

Thanks for everything

“This podcast has been tremendously influential for me this year as I’ve finally transitioned into my new career path. There’s so much insight and advice for every stage of the process- from trying to figure out what is even out there to interviewing, landing the job and negotiating pay.”

Smart Peeps you might already know



4x NYT Bestselling Author

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Author “The Happiness Project”

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Coaching for Leaders Podcast

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CEO and Author

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Author Strengths Finder 2.0

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WSJ Bestselling Author

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Recent Episodes

June 8, 2015

77: Your Career vs. Your Finances (revisited!)

ABOUT THIS EPISODE Think your finances don’t have much of an impact on your career? Well, we challenge you to rethink that. When you’re in debt your decisions often come down to what you NEED to do, rather than what you’d like to do. Becoming debt-free gives you back your freedom in ways that you […]

June 1, 2015

76: Your Job Search in the Social Media Age with Al Smith

ABOUT AL SMITH If you’re looking to give your job hunt a shot in the arm and vastly improve your chances of being found by the right people, you’re in the right place. Al Smith spent 35 years working in management, sales, marketing, and training for such companies as Xerox, Kimberly-Clark, and Systema. Now he’s the […]

May 25, 2015

75: Finding the Time

ABOUT THIS EPISODE Feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like there’s just never enough time to get to everything you want or need to do? Is a lack of time holding you back? Well, we’re breaking down some of the most common myths around lack of time! We’ve also got some practical solutions that will help you […]

May 18, 2015

74: Fear Means “Go!” with Greg Faxon

ABOUT GREG FAXON Before becoming a personal coach, Greg Faxon worked with Fortune 500 companies on refining their market research and strategy. Now he helps “high-performing” and “high-potential” entrepreneurs to live deliberately and grow businesses that make an impact.Greg gives us some powerful insights on fear, specifically on how it can be an indication that you […]

May 11, 2015


ABOUT THIS EPISODE If you have a good (or maybe great) job but you can’t see doing the same thing forever… If you hate your job and cant wait to get out of it… If you’re not sure what you want to do for your career or job or business… If you are just not […]

May 4, 2015

72: Authenticity: Your Path to Success with Greg Giangrande

ABOUT GREG GIANGRANDE Greg Giangrande has been called “one of the most highly-regarded executives in his field” by Adweek. As Executive VP and Chief Human Resources Officer for Time Inc. he oversees HR globally for 8,000 employees. He’s held executive level HR positions at News Corporation, The Hearst Corporation and HR leadership positions at Conde Nast […]

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